make -jN buildworld on < 512MB ram

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 1 16:16:15 UTC 2012

On Thu, 1 Nov 2012, Peter Jeremy wrote:

> On 2012-Oct-31 12:58:18 -0700, Alfred Perlstein <bright at> wrote:
>> It seems like the new compiler likes to get up to ~200+MB resident when
>> building some basic things in our tree.
> The killer I found was the ctfmerge(1) on the kernel - which exceeds
> ~400MB on i386.  Under low RAM, that fails _without_ reporting any
> errors back to make(1), resulting in a corrupt new kernel (it booted
> but had virtually no devices so it couldn't find root).
>> Doesn't our make(1) have some stuff to mitigate this?  I would expect it
>> to be a bit smarter about detecting the number of swaps/pages/faults of
>> its children and taking into account the machine's total ram before
>> forking off new processes.
> The difficulty I see is that the make process can't tell anything
> about the memory requirements of the pipeline it is about to spawn.
> As a rule of thumb, C++ needs more memory than C but that depends
> on what is being compiled - I have a machine-generated C program that
> makes gcc bloat to ~12GB.
>> Any ideas?  I mean a really simple algorithm could be devised that would
>> be better than what we appear to have (which is nothing).
> If you can afford to waste CPU, one approach would be for make(1) to
> setrlimit(2) child processes and if the child dies, it retries that
> child by itself - but that will generate unnecessary retries.
> Another, more involved, approach would be for the scheduler to manage
> groups of processes - if a group of processes is causing memory
> pressure as a whole then the scheduler just stops scheduling some of
> them until the pressure reduces (effectively swap them out).  (Yes,
> that's vague and lots of hand-waving that might not be realisable).

Starts to sound similar to parts of linux cgroups.

Which, incidentally, a friend of mine was recently complaining about not 
being able to run systemd in the linuxolator due to the lack of certain 
syscalls pertaining to cgroups...

-Ben Kaduk

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