Graphical Terminal Environment

Brandon Falk bfalk_bsd at
Wed Mar 7 19:11:23 UTC 2012

On 3/7/2012 2:06 PM, Peter Jeremy wrote:

> If you're looking for something minimal, vector support should be one of the
> first things to go. At small sizes (in terms of dots), the best fonts are all
> bitmaps, rather than vector descriptions. One of the features of TrueType and
> Postscript is that a vendor can provide hand-tweaked bitmap glyphs for small
> sizes of a vector font. Likewise the VT100 demonstrated that you don't need
> vector line drawing to draw boxes. Some points to keep in mind: Anything
> beyond what is supported in your VESA BIOS requires custom support for your
> specific video chip. This is part of the code in x11-drivers/xf86-video-*. LCD
> monitors look fairly poor unless driven at their native resolution so, unless
> your VESA BIOS provide a mode that suits your monitor, you will need custom
> driver code. 

I do plan on writing a small little driver for NVIDIA cards (it's what I have).
I'm assuming it can't be terribly hard to detect the monitor's resolution, set
to that resolution, then start displaying dots... you never know though... I'll
be having a fun time with nouveau for the next few weeks :)


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