Awful FreeBSD 9 block IO performance in KVM

Richard Yao ryao at
Sat Jul 21 02:30:17 UTC 2012

On 07/20/2012 06:26 PM, Richard Yao wrote:
> On 07/20/2012 03:44 PM, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>> On 19 July 2012 11:27, Richard Yao <ryao at> wrote:
>>> Dear Everyone,
>>> FreeBSD 9 has awful block IO performance in KVM. I have experienced it
>>> and others have experienced it. Someone posted slides to slideshare with
>>> benchmarks documenting it:
>>> Slides 13 and 20 are particular eye openers. Does anyone know what is wrong?
>> For those watching at home - this is bad performance _with_ the virtio
>> drivers themselves, not just with SCSI emulation.
>> Slide 17 is very telling - the operation latency is quite high.
>> Richard, are you able to easily test out things on FreeBSD-HEAD guest
>> in a Linux KVM? If so, some of the storage/block/GEOM driver people
>> may be able to step up and start offering some ideas.
>> Thanks,
>> Adrian
> Dear Adrian,
> I am in the process of setting up a VM instance specifically for this.
> While installing it, I noticed that qemu-kvm printed 'lsi_scsi: error:
> ORDERED queue not implemented', which might be a clue as to why the
> block device performance is bad.
> Also, I will try testing raw disk IO for Ivan after I have it setup.
> Yours truly,
> Richard Yao

I now have FreeBSD 9.1-BETA1 installed in a virtual machine. I noticed
the following in dmesg which might explain why the emulated SCSI support
is so slow:

da0 at sym0 bus 0 scbus2 target 0 lun 0
da0: <QEMU QEMU HARDDISK 1.1.> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
da0: 3.300MB/s transfers
da0: Command Queueing enabled
da0: 409600MB (838860800 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 52216C)

It does not explain why virtio is slow though, although I still need to
test virtio against the latest code. I will do ivan's raw block test
against virtio-blk, mainly because there is no point in doing it against
a device whose transfers have been capped to 3.3MB/sec.

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