Better error messages for command not found (was Re: Pull in upstream before 9.1 code freeze?)

Mike Meyer mwm at
Thu Jul 5 02:17:57 UTC 2012

On Wed, 4 Jul 2012 19:02:11 -0700
Tim Kientzle <tim at> wrote:
> On Jul 4, 2012, at 6:42 PM, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > bash and zsh already have command_not_found handlers. I don't really
> > object to that functionality to sh and tcsh. Just *don't turn it on by
> > default*. I don't think I'd even object to setting those handlers in
> > /usr/share/skel.
> How about if it's on by default (in the default /etc/cshrc)
> but very easy to turn off?

Actually, that's my biggest gripe about Linux systems. They set things
in /etc/* shell profiles that *can't* be turned off in user rc files,
because the ones in /etc run last. (And usually more than
once. Idiots.) If you don't have root, the best way to deal with them
is to install a shell that won't run things in /etc. If you have root
and turn them off in /etc, you turn them off for everyone, which may
well piss someone off.

Which makes me think that setting user preferences via things in /etc
instead of /usr/share/skel is a dangerous path to start down. That
means users can *always* fix it, and it will also work for shells that
the Linux way won't work for.

Is there something wrong with using /usr/share/skel? Doesn't it get
used when the install scripts create users?

How appropriate. There are explosives going off outside my window.

Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent Software developer/SCM consultant, email for more information.

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