kernel module parallel build?

Fleuriot Damien ml at
Mon Dec 10 11:24:26 UTC 2012

On Dec 6, 2012, at 1:28 AM, Garrett Cooper <yanegomi at> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Damien Fleuriot <ml at> wrote:
> ...
>> All trolling aside, I believe an awesome fix to be setting module override in /etc/make.conf to only build the 4-5 specific modules one needs.
>> To be honest I think this configuration tweak should be advertised a bit more as it definitely speeds up kernel builds.
>> I would be happy to check if this is advertised in the handbook in the "rebuilding kernel" section and enhance its visibility if required.
>> I can provide en_US and fr_FR.
> +1. Please write it up if you can; it's much quicker/better than the
> kitchen sink approach if you know what you're doing and don't have to
> build for a large set of platforms.
> Thanks!
> -Garrett

I've had a look at the handbook and the MODULES_OVERRIDE bit is already well written and definitely visible:

I believe no rewrite is necessary.

However, I fail to see any mention of nextboot.

It might be a good idea to let people know they can boot their new kernel just once to see if it works, and revert to their old kernel if boot should fail.

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