FW: How to compile opencrypto separately

aram baghomian aram_baghomian at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 21 22:26:44 UTC 2011

Can any hacker help me?

From: aram_baghomian at hotmail.com
To: freebsd-hackers at freebsd.org
Subject: How to compile opencrypto separately
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 06:24:17 +0000


I have some problems with opencrypto project  and i hope you want to help me for solve them.

- I trying to add my hash algorithm into opencrypto project and compile it for use it later with cryptodev
and IPSEC vpn.

I use rmd160 as a sample and do this steps:
 1- rename rmd160.c & rmd160.h to myhash.c & myhash.h .
 2- change the name and the contents of the functions of rmd160 to myhash.(used standard form in the title of functions)
 3- add my function titles and variables in xform.c & xform.h .
 4- add my fixed value of my algorithm in the cryptodev.h .
 5- recompile my kernel with IPSEC option and cryptodev device .

But in the make time i get this error :

in function 'MYHASHUpdate_int' :
xform.c:759: undefined refrence to 'MYHASHUpdate'

what isn't enough in my steps?
what should i do?



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