NFS mount inside jail fails

Doug Ambrisko ambrisko at
Wed May 25 16:42:23 UTC 2011

Alexander Leidinger writes:
| Quoting Doug Ambrisko <ambrisko at> (from Thu, 19 May 2011  
| 14:38:40 -0700 (PDT)):
| > Alexander Leidinger writes:
| > | On Thu, 19 May 2011 10:24:59 -0700 (PDT) Doug Ambrisko
| > | <ambrisko at> wrote:
| > |
| > | > doesn't have access to it anymore either.  Running an X server in a
| > | > vimage has some issues.  Most are pretty easy to over-come.
| > |
| > | Are you using my patch
| > | ( + a
| > | custom devfs.rules to get the 2D part (the last time I tried the DRI
| > | part of my patch, it paniced the machine) of the X server working in a
| > | jail, or did you come up with something yourself? If it is the later, I
| > | would be interested how you did it.
| >
| > Nope, didn't know about it when I played with it.  I should try it.
| > I added
| > 	case PRIV_IO:
| > 		return (0);
| >
| > to kern_jail.c to get X to work.  This was with the Intel graphics.
| > The main problem I have now is on resume the X server dies and restarts.
| > I use xdm.  Without jail with vimage then it works okay.
| I use it without vimage in a jail. This is with a radeon card  
| (corresponding kernel module loaded at boot to get 2D acceleration, as  
| the X server obviously can not load modules in a jail).
| > My laptop can use either Intel or ATI graphics.  I just switched it to
| > ATI to see what happens.  I should try some more tests.  It seems
| > my BIOS likes to reset this setting and enable both :-(
| >
| > I don't seem to have panics.  This is with a month or so old -current.
| You do not allow access to the dri device, so I do not expect a panic.  
| If you give access to the dri device (which can be enabled separately  
| in my patch), I would not be surprised to see a panic (the last time I  
| tried it is a year or two ago, I didn't take the time to investigate  
| why it panics).

Okay, I have an update.  With Intel graphics and using dri things
work better and I don't get panics.  I load drm.ko & i915.ko before
starting the vimage jail.  X sees it and uses it.  This solves the
suspend/resume issue I had.  The dri issue also prevented suspend and
resume fail to work in a chroot. 

I have not tried switching to using the ATI option.  On a plus side
my laptop is running cooler and faster now.

Doug A.

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