Default value for UIDs
Dan Nelson
dnelson at
Tue Jun 28 17:16:15 UTC 2011
In the last episode (Jun 28), Chris Rees said:
> Hi all,
> [crees at zeus]~% tail -n 2 /usr/ports/UIDs
> dbxml:*:949:949::0:0:dbXML user:/nonexistent:/sbin/nologin
> nobody:*:65534:65534::0:0:Unprivileged user:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
> [crees at zeus]~% grep crees /etc/passwd
> crees:*:1001:1001:Chris Rees:/home/crees:/bin/tcsh
> chris:*:1001:1001:Chris Rees:/home/crees:/bin/tcsh
> [crees at zeus]~%
> I'm a little concerned at how close the ports UIDs are getting to the
> username space...
There are only 216 entries in UIDs, though, so if people are just using
"last entry + 1" when adding new ones, they should probably start filling
the gaps instead. The 100s and 200s are pretty dense, but 350-399 only has
5 entries, 400-499 has 4, 600-699 has 7, 700-799 has 3, etc.
Dan Nelson
dnelson at
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