speech reconition

Aryeh Friedman aryeh.friedman at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 10:25:42 UTC 2011

After seeing one to many ads for Dragon I have decided to see what can
done on my main (and only) machine which runs FB exclusively....
please note I have a speech impairment but when I tried a very early
version of Dragon in I think 1989 or 1990 it got 90% of what I said
with no training (and my speech has improved since then and I am sure
it has also)... I will be using this mostly for command line input
(tcsh) but the main purpose of that is to be a java developer who
hates IDE's additionally I will be using it for OpenOffice and perhaps
browser address bar and forms (I will move the mouse thank you ;-))...
I see three possible routes which is best:

1. Use something from ports (it is ok if I have to write a few glue scripts)
2. Use wine but I have never gotten anything to work correctly on it
3. Install virtual box and then install windows 7 and hope that the
sound card mic works with it and buy Dragon and then use PuTTY to get
to the command line of the host OS

My preference is in the same order if possible

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