Roman Divacky rdivacky at
Mon Feb 21 20:46:22 UTC 2011

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 10:36:39AM -0800, Yuri wrote:
> Where is it documented?
> Are there differences with the linux ABI?
> Particularly I am interested in stack alignment requirement. For example 
> i386 Solaris, Linux and MacOS have 16 bit stack alignment for procedure 
> calls. This is reflected in LLVM sources:
>   if (isTargetDarwin() || isTargetLinux() || isTargetSolaris() || Is64Bit)
>     stackAlignment = 16;
> But FreeBSD is excluded there. Is this a bug in LLVM which magically 
> doesn't cause crashes or this is correct and FreeBSD doesn't have 16 bit 
> alignment?

the alignment is specified in bytes but yes, I wonder too, what is the
stack alignment on freebsd on amd64/i386? 

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