anyone got advice on sendmail and TLS on 8.1?

Nick Hibma nick at
Mon Nov 22 22:52:26 UTC 2010

Don't forget to add the following to /etc/make.conf

	SENDMAIL_CFLAGS+=   -I/usr/local/include -DSASL=2
	SENDMAIL_LDFLAGS+=  -L/usr/local/lib
	SENDMAIL_LDADD+=    -lsasl2

so it will be compiled correctly on the next buildworld.


On 11 Oct 2010, at 18:14, John Baldwin wrote:

> On Sunday, October 10, 2010 5:22:01 pm Julian Elischer wrote:
>>  When I last did sendmail there wasn't any TLS/SSL stuff.
>> has anyone got an exact howto  as to how to enable a simple sendmail 
>> server?
>> all I want is:
>> TLS and authenticated email submission by me and my family
>> able to forward the email anywhere (maybe just to my ISP but who 
>> knows) (outgoing)
>> non TLS submission from outside to reject all mail not to 
>> elischer.{org,com}
>> and deliver our mail to mailboxes or gmail (or where-ever /etc/aliases 
>> says.).
>> This is probably ALMOST a default configuration
>> but I can't be sure what is needed.. there are several
>> howtos on hte net but they are generally old and differ in details.
> Your best bet is probably to look at the docs on  You need to 
> recompile the sendmail in base against SASL and need to install cyrus-sasl2 
> from ports to manage your authentication database.
> -- 
> John Baldwin
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