GSoC: BSD text tools

Matthew Jacob mj at
Tue May 25 16:55:19 UTC 2010

On 5/25/2010 9:52 AM, Julian Elischer wrote:
> On 5/25/10 8:33 AM, Eitan Adler wrote:
>>> No. Do not remove groff or associated tools from /usr/src !
>>> Roff has been in Unix /usr/src since '77 or earlier.
>>> A lot of people use tools from that descendancy as production tools.
>> So? If it isn't a very commonly used tool and isn't necessary for 99%
>> of cases I don't seem the harm of removing it from base and making it
>> a port?
> BSD has always  been ab;e to produce it's documentation as part of its 
> build
> Please keep this true.

Absolutely. There are tons of documents out there still in -ms or -mm 

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