GSoC: BSD text tools

Ulrich Spörlein uqs at
Mon May 24 12:26:44 UTC 2010

On Mon, 24.05.2010 at 00:08:30 -0700, Ben Fiedler wrote:
> I'll be working on replacing groff with mdocml (mandoc) in the system base
> (and yes, I am aware of Gordon's work on a man
> replacement<>).
> In addition, I will be creating or (more likely) porting BSD-ish licensed
> feature-complete replacements for: diff, sort, sdiff, diff3, also moving
> them into the base (and yes, I know of the bsddiff and bsdsort ports).
> Finally, I will perform some benchmark comparisons between these new tools
> and their GNU counterparts.
> More info is available at my project page:
> Any feedback or questions are most welcome.

Please contact me regarding mdocml/mandoc work, as I already have a tree
set up for the mdocml inclusion and have been working with Kristaps and
Ruslan to get this all in good shape for an eventual import.


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