inet_* functions in kernel?

Boris Kochergin spawk at
Mon Jul 12 22:26:11 UTC 2010

Bartosz Marcin Kojak wrote:
> Hi.
> Currently I'm writing a kernel module using MAC Framework to control 
> binding to local IP addresses (kind of mac_portacl variation) and I 
> need some advice.
> I want to be able to write rules for module through sysctl (rule will 
> contain IP addresses in human-readable format, e.g. 
> "uid:1002:") and I'm wondering how to translate addresses 
> to network byte order without inet_* functions.  Well, they look like 
> they're available to use in kernel (using <netinet/in.h>) but it's no 
> able to compile module with inet_* functions using typical Makefile 
> (this one with ".include <>" line) - it just produces 
> warnings, and all warnings are treated as errors in this case.
> So, possible solutions are: just add custom CFLAGS without "-Werror" 
> to Makefile (but it's quite ugly though) or write an userspace 
> application that will write an addresses in NBO to sysctl (but now 
> sysctl won't be easy to read and modify by hand).
> What do you think?
> Thanks in advance for any useful hints.
Check out the byteorder(9) man page.


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