testing needed: Secure RPC

Brooks Davis brooks at freebsd.org
Mon Jan 4 18:51:35 UTC 2010

I've got a patch against the Secure RPC code which replaces an
apparently bogus use of NGROUPS and fixes a bug where the internal
identify cache stores uid_t and gid_t data in shorts.  It's trivial and
it looks like all the surrounding uses do use the correct size and just
discard data when passing it through the cache, but I don't have an easy
way to test it.  Does anyone else?

-- Brooks

Index: lib/libc/rpc/svc_auth_des.c
--- lib/libc/rpc/svc_auth_des.c	(revision 201441)
+++ lib/libc/rpc/svc_auth_des.c	(working copy)
@@ -449,10 +449,10 @@
 #define INVALID		-1 	/* grouplen, if cache entry is invalid */
 struct bsdcred {
-	short uid;		/* cached uid */
-	short gid;		/* cached gid */
-	short grouplen;	/* length of cached groups */
-	short groups[NGROUPS];	/* cached groups */
+	uid_t uid;		/* cached uid */
+	gid_t gid;		/* cached gid */
+	int grouplen;	/* length of cached groups */
+	gid_t groups[NGRPS];	/* cached groups */
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