
Julian Elischer julian at
Thu Dec 2 17:41:32 UTC 2010

On 12/1/10 12:01 PM, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> Hi Dheeraj,
> On 2010-Dec-01 04:19:46 +0530, dheeraj suthar<dheerajsuthar2008 at>  wrote:
>> Kindly do guide me(as I am new here.) and involve me in some
>> programming project related to above mentioned fields. Also I am
>> currently going through project lists on FreeBSD list and will apply
>> soon to which suits my skill set.

generally, the way we all start is that we find something that is
slightly annoying to us and decide to fix it on our own.  We can't 
really tell you what to work on
but you can find out for yourself..   :-)

> I suggest you have a read through
> to find something that sounds interesting to you and then contact the
> relevant person.  If no contact is shown then ask about it here.

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