regenerating /var/db/pkg

Eitan Adler eitanadlerlist at
Mon Apr 26 08:10:44 UTC 2010

> It would be nice if some of the more usable functions got moved out of
> rc.subr though :(... It would cure 20 lines of duplicate code here and
> elsewhere outside of rc land...
Where should they go? I'll gladly work on a patch to make them
available to periodic scripts.

> Yes, and you're assuming that users won't do:
> PKG_DBDIR := /my /super /special/ directory with spaces
> Granted, a lot of things probably won't work that way, but just
> compounding to the issue of not quoting variables seems like a silly
> mistake to make :/.

IMHO a user that uses crazy things should know that things will break
Almost no program around correctly handles all filenames:

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