leak of the vnodes

Petr Salinger Petr.Salinger at seznam.cz
Mon Apr 5 18:30:39 UTC 2010

>>>> BTW, the 7.3 seems be unaffected by this.
>> Confirmed, the whole build of gcc-4.3 ends with
>> kern.maxvnodes: 100000
>> kern.minvnodes: 25000
>> vfs.freevnodes: 22070
>> vfs.wantfreevnodes: 25000
>> vfs.numvnodes: 39907
>> debug.vnlru_nowhere: 0
>> while for 8.0 kernel even 120000 in vfs.numvnodes does not suffice.
> BTW, can you check latest RELENG_8 kernel, or HEAD, for the issue ?

Both are affected, the ddb output bellow is from svn206142 for HEAD.

>> Are all vnodes in some mountpoint ? What pipes and sockets ?
> I do not quite understand the question.
> Pipes and sockets are not vnodes, and I want to see what type of
> filesystem (UFS or devfs) leaks.

I lowered max to get problem earlier

kern.maxvnodes: 40000
kern.minvnodes: 25000
vfs.freevnodes: 0
vfs.wantfreevnodes: 25000
vfs.numvnodes: 37934
debug.vnlru_nowhere: 83

I would expect that sum of mnt_nvnodelistsize should be vfs.numvnodes.
The sum is at about 3400, but the vfs.numvnodes is at about 38000.
Is my expectation correct ?


db> show mount

0xffffff0003939be0 /dev/ad0s2a on / (ufs)
0xffffff000393a000 devfs on /dev (devfs)
0xffffff00039398e8 linprocfs on /proc (linprocfs)
0xffffff0009b9d000 /dev/ad0s2d on /opt/sid/build (ufs)

db> show mount 0xffffff0003939be0

0xffffff0003939be0 /dev/ad0s2a on / (ufs)
     mnt_flag = LOCAL, ROOTFS
     mnt_opt = rw, fstype, fspath, from, errmsg, noro
     mnt_stat = { version=537068824 type=7 flags=0x0000000000005000 
bsize=2048 iosize=16384 blocks=9233079 bfree=1720773 bavail=982127 
files=2402302 ffree=2211006 syncwrites=0 asyncwrites=0 syncreads=0 
asyncreads=0 namemax=255 owner=0 fsid=[1208030997, -638345611] }
     mnt_cred = { uid=0 ruid=0 }
     mnt_ref = 647
     mnt_gen = 1
     mnt_nvnodelistsize = 647
     mnt_writeopcount = 0
     mnt_noasync = 0
     mnt_maxsymlinklen = 120
     mnt_iosize_max = 131072
     mnt_hashseed = 3875541360
     mnt_secondary_writes = 0
     mnt_secondary_accwrites = 1674383
     mnt_gjprovider = NULL

db> show mount 0xffffff000393a000

0xffffff000393a000 devfs on /dev (devfs)
     mnt_flag = MULTILABEL, LOCAL
     mnt_kern_flag = MPSAFE
     mnt_opt =
     mnt_stat = { version=537068824 type=2 flags=0x0000000004001000 bsize=0 
iosize=0 blocks=0 bfree=0 bavail=0 files=0 ffree=0 syncwrites=0 
asyncwrites=0 syncreads=0 asyncreads=0 namemax=255 owner=0 fsid=[33619712, 
2] }
     mnt_cred = { uid=0 ruid=0 }
     mnt_ref = 36
     mnt_gen = 1
     mnt_nvnodelistsize = 36
     mnt_writeopcount = 0
     mnt_noasync = 0
     mnt_maxsymlinklen = 0
     mnt_iosize_max = 65536
     mnt_hashseed = 1577461787
     mnt_secondary_writes = 0
     mnt_secondary_accwrites = 0
     mnt_gjprovider = NULL

db> show mount 0xffffff00039398e8

0xffffff00039398e8 linprocfs on /proc (linprocfs)
     mnt_flag = LOCAL
     mnt_kern_flag = MPSAFE
     mnt_opt = fstype, fspath, from, errmsg
     mnt_stat = { version=537068824 type=8 flags=0x0000000000001000 
bsize=4096 iosize=4096 blocks=1 bfree=0 bavail=0 files=1 ffree=0 
syncwrites=0 asyncwrites=0 syncreads=0 asyncreads=0 namemax=255 owner=0 
fsid=[134283009, 8] }
     mnt_cred = { uid=0 ruid=0 }
     mnt_ref = 393
     mnt_gen = 1
     mnt_nvnodelistsize = 393
     mnt_writeopcount = 0
     mnt_noasync = 0
     mnt_maxsymlinklen = 0
     mnt_iosize_max = 65536
     mnt_hashseed = 486483318
     mnt_secondary_writes = 0
     mnt_secondary_accwrites = 0
     mnt_gjprovider = NULL

db> show mount 0xffffff0009b9d000

0xffffff0009b9d000 /dev/ad0s2d on /opt/sid/build (ufs)
     mnt_flag = LOCAL
     mnt_opt = rw, fstype, fspath, from, errmsg, noro
     mnt_stat = { version=537068824 type=7 flags=0x0000000000001000 
bsize=2048 iosize=16384 blocks=9683239 bfree=4555857 bavail=3781198
files=2520062 ffree=1888868 syncwrites=0 asyncwrites=0 syncreads=0 
asyncreads=0 namemax=255 owner=0 fsid=[1208030997, -1215882613] }
     mnt_cred = { uid=0 ruid=0 }
     mnt_ref = 2297
     mnt_gen = 1
     mnt_nvnodelistsize = 2296
     mnt_writeopcount = 0
     mnt_noasync = 0
     mnt_maxsymlinklen = 120
     mnt_iosize_max = 131072
     mnt_hashseed = 1634023874
     mnt_secondary_writes = 1
     mnt_secondary_accwrites = 1332980
     mnt_gjprovider = NULL

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