writing a FreeBSD C library
Oliver Mahmoudi
olivermahmoudi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 20:36:08 UTC 2009
Hello all y'all Kernel Hackers,
Trying to get a deeper understanding of the FreeBSD kernel I am currently I
am studying C library files.
For this reason I wrote a very simple library, just to understand how it
Below are my source codes for:
1. the header
2. the library file
3. a simple C program with which I intend to test my library function
############## start of simple library header ########################
#ifndef _s_lib_h_
#define _s_lib_h_
#define SOME_INT 0x0001
/* prototype */
void myprnf(char *);
#endif /* _s_lib_h_ */
##################### end of header ############################
################# start of library file lb.c ##########################
#include <stdio.h>
#include "slib.h"
static void _myprf(char *);
myprnf(char *farg)
char *narg = farg;
static void
_myprf(char *sarg)
char *pstr = sarg;
printf("%s\n", pstr);
############## end of library file ###############################
################ start of source file ############################
#include "slib.h"
char *somestr = "hello world";
################# end of source file ###########################
I compiled the library file in the following way.
% gcc -I../include -Wall -c lb.c
% ar rsv mylib.a lb.o
The compilation finished with no warnings so I assume that there are no
errors in the library itself.
Trying to compile my source file - let's call it source.c - I always get the
following error message:
% gcc -o testfile source.c
/var/tmp//ccQoff1S.o(.text+0x19): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `myprintf'
In other words, gcc doesn't seem to find my library. I tried to mv my
library file in /lib, /libexec
/usr/lib, /usr/libdata and /usr/libexec but none of the above directories
would directory would
let me compile my source file.
Now I am wondering where do I need to put mylib.a file to succeed?
Also, this is a static library. What do I need to do under FreeBSD to
compile this library into a dynamic
library and where would I put this file?
Lastly, most if not all the system calls can be found under /sys/kern/*.c.
When writing a FreeBSD C program
gcc makes use of the corresponding headers, e.g. unistd.h. and the standard
library libc. Is it possible
to peep a look at the source file for libc, i.e. is it included in the
source tree? Where?
There are many many more kernel related questions on my mind but I think
that this is enought for one
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