Switching to SMM with FreeBSD 6.2 onwards

Takanori Watanabe takawata at init-main.com
Fri Mar 27 03:24:01 PDT 2009

In message <17314.10813.qm at web45811.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>, Won De Erick wrote:
>Hi All,
>I'm not quite familiar with FreeBSD, but I want to do the following in 6.2/7.1
>  /* Raise IOPL to 3 to open all I/O ports */
>  /* something like 'i386_iopl(3)' */
>  ...

see  i386_get_ioperm(2) or io(4).

>  /* Open SMRAM access */
>  outl(unsigned int port, unsigned long int data);
>Also, I appreciate comments on the following wrapper:
>static inline outl(unsigned int port, unsigned long int data)
>  asm("outl %0, %1" : : "a" (data), "dN" (port));
>My goal is to switch the processor to SMM by triggering SMI from userland.

Probably this will work.
So what do you want ask about that?

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