[problem] aac0 does not respond

Ed Maste emaste at freebsd.org
Tue Mar 24 07:25:41 PDT 2009

2009/3/24 Vladimir Ermakov <samflanker at gmail.com>:
>Hello, All
>Describe my problem:
>have volume RAID-10 (SAS-HDD x 6) on Adaptec RAID 5805
>2 HHD of 6  have errors in smart data (damaged)
>i am try read file /var/db/mysql/ibdata1 from this volume
>system does not respond ( lost access to ssh ) after read 6GB data 
>from this
>and print debug messages on ttyv0

If the messages you see are the same as in the message to which you
provided a link ("COMMAND xxx TIMED OUT AFTER xxx SECONDS") it typically
means that the RAID controller has crashed.  My initial suggestion is to
check the firmware version installed on your card, and update to the
latest from Adaptec's website if you're not running that one already.

Attilio also has some driver updates (ported from Adaptec's latest
vendor driver) that you can try.  The plan is to commit them sometime
soon, but he can forward those on for testing before that happens.


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