c question: *printf'ing arrays

Alexander Best alexbestms at math.uni-muenster.de
Tue Jun 30 17:32:43 UTC 2009

that works, but i really want to have a pretty output to stdout. i guess i
have to stick with printf and use `for (i=0; i < sizeof(XXX); i++)` for each
array in the struct. just thought i could avoid it.

btw. `./my-program | hexdump` works, but if i do `./my-program > output`
output is being created, but is empty. is this normal?


Igor Mozolevsky schrieb am 2009-06-30:
> 2009/6/30 Alexander Best <alexbestms at math.uni-muenster.de>:
> > thanks. but that simply dumps the contents of the struct to stdout.
> > but since
> > most of the struct's contents aren't ascii the output isn't really
> > of much
> > use.

> How about ./your-program | hexdump ?

> --
> Igor

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