WANTED! board models with Marvell 61XX chips

Oliver Pinter oliver.pntr at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 14:37:26 PST 2009

Hi ASUS P5Q-E has 88SE6121

On 1/26/09, Søren Schmidt <sos at deepcore.dk> wrote:
> Hi there!
> I thought I finally had a  motherboard using one of the Marvell SATA/
> PATA chips coming in, but unfortunately the delivery has been
> postponed to some unspecified date, oh well..
> Thats where you come into the picture as I'd like to get another one,
> but finding boards that uses these is a bit tricky as most vendors
> doesn't write such unimportant stuff on their web pages (hell it works
> in windows!).
> If you have a motherboard using one of the following Marvell chips, or
> know for certain a model that does, please send me a private mail with
> make and model as there is no need to pollute the lists (which I dont
> follow closely for the time being btw).
> The chips in question are:
> Marvell 6111, 6121, 6141 or 6145
> It is also important that there is physical access to both the SATA
> and the PATA port(s) as some boards only utilize one or the other.
> I know of one PCI-express add-in board that uses the 6145, so if
> anybody knows how to get ahold of one, that would be very welcomed as
> well. The board in question is this:
> http://www.sunix.com.tw/it/en/Product_Detail.php?cate=2&class_a_id=35&sid=538
> So far I've only found shops in South Africa that has it available,
> but none of them ships outside the country.
> So if you have any useful info on this topic please get in touch with
> me, thanks!
> -Søren
> --
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