freebsd-update's install_verify routine excessive stating

Christoph Mallon christoph.mallon at
Thu Jan 22 04:33:49 PST 2009

Oliver Fromme schrieb:
>  >              cut -f 2,7 -d '|' |
>  >              grep -E '^f' |
>  >              cut -f 2 -d '|' |
>  >              sort -u > filelist
> It's unclear why there are two "cut" commands.  The 7th
> field isn't used at all.  Also, the -E option to grep

After the first cut the seventh field becomes the second:
echo 'a|b|c|d|e|f|g' | cut -f 2,7 -d '|'
So the second cut selects the original seventh field and fills it into 
the file "filelist".

> So I would suggest to replace the whole pipe with this:
>    awk -F "|" '$2 ~ /^f/ {print $2}' "$@" |
>    sort -u > filelist

It should print $7, see above.


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