support for i45 (ich10) chipsets
Aryeh M. Friedman
aryeh.friedman at
Sat Jan 10 07:54:34 PST 2009
Olivier SMEDTS wrote:
> 2009/1/10 Aryeh M. Friedman <aryeh.friedman at>:
>> Olivier SMEDTS wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> 2009/1/10 Aryeh M. Friedman <aryeh.friedman at>:
>>>> I just got a i45 based motherboard and everything works except for the
>>>> following pci:
>>>> none2 at pci0:1:0:0: class=0x020000 card=0x83671043 chip=0x816810ec
>>>> rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
>>>> vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor'
>>>> device = 'RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC'
>>>> class = network
>>>> subclass = ethernet
>>> This does not seem to be related to the Intel ICH10 chipsets. This
>>> must be a second network adapter on your motherboard. For information,
>>> my ASUS P5Q3 (Intel ICH10 too) works very well, everything is
>>> detected. The two network controllers are a "88E8056 Yukon PCI-E
>> Same motherboard
> ASUS P5Q3 or P5Q3 Deluxe ? I've got the Deluxe one, maybe the ethernet
> controllers are different. The only thing not working on mine is the
> integrated 802.11n wireless controller. It's a Ralink chipset (don't
> remember which one) attached to the USB bus. There's a linux driver
> available.
I assume deluxe but I do not have access to the machine physically right
now but it was bought earlier this week and my boss asked if I wanted
deluxe or not (he bought it)
>>> Gigabit Ethernet Controller" (if_msk driver) and a "Yukon
>>> 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)" (if_sk
>>> driver).
>>> Is your watchdog detected (ichwd driver) ?
>>> I'm also using the ichsmb driver without issues.
>>> See the following thread on freebsd-questions :
>>> According to it, RTL8168/8111 should work with 7.1-RELEASE. Are you
>>> using the if_re driver ? Try loading the if_re.ko module, as I think
>>> it's not in the GENERIC kernel.
>> I am used to current where it is in GENERIC so will add it to my config
>> I guess
I guess not:
# kldstat
Id Refs Address Size Name
1 3 0xc0400000 94f054 kernel
2 1 0xc0d50000 68304 acpi.ko
# kldload if_re
kldload: can't load if_re: File exists
in the config (unmodified except setting IPI_PREMPTION):
device msk # Marvell/SysKonnect Yukon II Gigabit
device re # RealTek 8139C+/8169/8169S/8110S
>>> Cheers
>>>> does -current support it or should I stay with 7.1-RELEASE ? (i386)
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