tcpdump filter for out/in traffic

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Sun Jan 4 16:26:17 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 04:05:00PM +0200, KES wrote:

> There will be very usefull to have options for tcpdump to monitor
> incomint or outgoing traffic regardless of src/dst IPs or ports or protocol
> For example:
> kes# tcpdump -n -i rl4 out
> EXPECTED: show traffic outgoing on rl4
> ACTUAL: tcpdump: syntax error
> kes# tcpdump -n -i rl4 in
> EXPECTED: show traffic incoming on rl4
> ACTUAL: tcpdump: syntax error


I use following trick for that:

tcpdump -n -p -i rl4 ether src me-rl4     # for outgoing
tcpdump -n -p -i tl4 not ether src me-rl4 # for incoming

And add MAC-address of rl4 to /etc/ethers with name 'me-rl4'
or just 'me' if you need not watch other interfaces this way.

Eugene Grosbein

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