why does _PATH_STDPATH contain the current directory?

Jilles Tjoelker jilles at stack.nl
Wed Dec 23 22:15:25 UTC 2009

/usr/include/paths.h has:
/* All standard utilities path. */
#define _PATH_STDPATH   "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:"

The current directory appears to have been added accidentally years ago.
Can I go ahead and take it out (the colon)?

The paths for rescue already do not have the current directory.

The main use for _PATH_STDPATH is to find all standard utilities, such
as for the POSIX-specified confstr(_CS_PATH), 'getconf PATH' and
'command -p'. Some utilities also use it instead of _PATH_DEFPATH for
root, but these values tend to be overridden by /etc/login.conf and/or
shell startup files.

Jilles Tjoelker

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