Superpages on amd64 FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE

Linda Messerschmidt linda.messerschmidt at
Thu Dec 10 15:18:00 UTC 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Bernd Walter <ticso at> wrote:
> I obviously don't have enough clue about this to understand those details.
> Hope that someone can enlighten me.

I think what he is saying is that they are aware that the current
situation is not ideal.

vfork() is suggested as a workaround, definitely not a fix.

The problem is that there is limited effort available to be put into
the VM subsystem and since mostly-working superpages is still *way*
better than no superpages, that limited effort is best spent elsewhere
at present, presumably dealing with other, bigger VM subsystem issues.

Hope I got that right. :)

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