Regarding enabling IOAPIC on Intel Dual core processor based boards having Broadcom controller

Ravi Shankar toksravi at
Tue Dec 1 22:21:45 UTC 2009


 We are using Freebsd6.2 bases OS on our LV 5200 Series Intel Dual Core Xeon
bases processor(Wolfdale-DP-ULV). In the carrier board hosting the processor
we have BCM5703 controller.
Currently we are using only one core in 32 bit mode and planning to use dual
core where we need to enable IOAPIC. When IOAPIC is not enabled I see the
bcm/bge driver is attached to IRQ10 and everything works fine, but when I
enable IOAPIC I still see the boot msgs show that bge is attached to irq10
but the Broadcom controller does not come up. I found interrupt storm on
irq17 ( remember without IOAPIC enable there are not IRQ assignments beyond
IRQ16),looks like the controller is interrupting on 17 while driver waits on

  When I stop and loader and assign it manually using config command "set
hw.pci8.9.INTA.irq=”17”" , everything works fine. Would be great if some one
can throw some light on this IRQ mapping when IOAPIC is enabled and possible
fix ( Software or BIOS?)


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