[PATCH]: today highlighting in [n]cal
Roman Divacky
rdivacky at freebsd.org
Mon Apr 20 11:55:34 UTC 2009
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 01:53:56PM +0200, Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
> Roman Divacky wrote:
> >On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:21:26AM +0200, Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
> >>Hey Roman,
> >>
> >>Roman Divacky wrote:
> >>>I made this patch that highlights today in cal/ncal just like gnu
> >>>cal does..
> >>>
> >>> www.vlakno.cz/~rdivacky/cal.patch
> >>Thanks for this patch, I've been meaning to hack one up properly, but
> >>never got to it. They problems I was facing seem to exist also with your
> >>patch:
> >>
> >>- only works for wide (cal) mode, not ncal mode
> >
> >it works for ncal
> I didn't try it on FreeBSD, but from inspecting the code, you only
> modified mkmonthb(), which is called for the cal-style layout, but not for
> the ncal-style layout (then mkmonth() is called).
yes... and if I read the code correctly the very same approach should
work for the mkmonth() as well.. it should be copy'n'paste
> >>- probably won't work properly with year displays: the year printing
> >>parts of the code use a length argument to printf ("%*s"), which will
> >>confuse escape sequences with actual printed characters
> >
> >I am not sure what you mean by year printing.... can you give me the
> >exact command line?
> just try "cal 2009" or so, basically use printyear[b].
this works
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