diagnosing freezes (DRI?)

xorquewasp at googlemail.com xorquewasp at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 10 21:13:11 UTC 2009

On 2009-04-10 13:31:33, Robert Noland wrote:
> If it is locking the whole system, then a core is really our best shot.
> If you can extract anything useful from xorg.log or setting
> hw.dri.0.debug that also might be of use.
> I'm running on 2 cores, but it is possible that some locking issue
> exists.  All of the driver specific ioctls are run under a lock though.
> robert.

Ok. I've re-enabled drm.ko and radeon.ko and am running X. I'll leave
the system under load and let you know when it inevitably locks up...


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