compiling root filesystem into kernel (preferably tmpfs root filesystem)

Travis Daygale anti_spamsys at
Thu Apr 9 20:52:45 UTC 2009

I wonder if there is a sequence of loader commands and/or configuration (both at kernel compile and at boot) that can assure the kernel mounts the root filesystem installed into itself?

--- On Thu, 4/9/09, perryh at <perryh at> wrote:

From: perryh at <perryh at>
Subject: Re: compiling root filesystem into kernel (preferably tmpfs root filesystem)
To: anti_spamsys at
Cc: freebsd-hackers at
Date: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 12:55 PM

Travis Daygale <anti_spamsys at> wrote:
> I have built a root image that I put in the kernel as described in
> the Nov 2006 post. ?My UFS root image consists of /sbin/init,
> where init is a statically compiled C program that just spits out
> "Hello world" and sleeps, this binary runs fine under FBSD. ?At
> this point, I have the kernel booting but it panics because it
> says it can't find init.... ?Hmmm... ?I believe (haven't had time
> to test) that it is finding root?

Yes, if it gets to the point of "can't find init" it has already
successfully mounted the root filesystem (although, perhaps, not
the *intended* root filesystem).


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