Patch for MS Hyper V (virtualization)

Sergey Babkin babkin at
Sun Apr 5 09:24:26 PDT 2009

   Apr 4, 2009 02:10:23 PM, ivoras at wrote:
   >Can someo   >Hyper-V shu
   >the Hyper-V VM with it so the host also can't shutdown or reboot
   >re   >isn't   I don't have the commit    Yes, Hyper-V does not like th   Very specifically,
   writing the base   screws up something
   tha   and writi   back the same value has this effect. So the patch is valid.
      and I'   if if would break some real 21140 chip out there. If the dri   the same as another
   one I've seen, the driver tries to align t   0x80, and in the
   simulated 21140 it's already ali   couldn't say it
   for sure. I'd do it dif   the same that was read,
      Let me see, maybe I'll make a dif   -SB

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