Hardware support for AMD Geode CS5536 audio?

Bruce R. Montague brucem at mail.cruzio.com
Sat Nov 29 07:23:52 PST 2008

Hi, re Carlos A. M. dos Santos comment:

 > The amd5536.c informs that it is "derived from Bruce R. Montegue's AMD
 > CS5530 audio driver and the Linux CS5535 ALSA driver". I did not find
 > the original source files, but supposing that they are licensed under
 > GPL you will need a written permission from the owners to redistribute
 > the code under a different licensing terms.   

For orignal source:


I wrote the CS5530 audio driver referenced around
2001, it was always a FreeBSD driver under a modern
BSD-license. The driver was never GPL-licensed.

The audio driver was developed on FreeBSD during a
contract for NatSemi (who owned the Geode at the   
time, they had just brought Cyrix). The driver was
part of an effort to "undo" drivers that had been
put into the Geode's "hypervisor" (sort of an extended
ACPI that provided device emulators ("device models");
it turned out that was considered reverse engineering
hardware and so was a no-no).

The driver was done from scratch, from the manuals,
with occasional help from Cyrix engineers. As I
recall, FreeBSD helped a little with the final
debugging of the Geode hardware, booting a picobsd
floppy became part of the standard test suite.  At
the time, I found it convenient to email floppy-sized
picobsd systems that demonstrated a hardware bug to
remote hardware engineers.


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