/usr/src/Makefile instructions

Tom Evans tevans.uk at googlemail.com
Fri May 23 13:39:49 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 05:49 -0700, KAYVEN RIESE wrote:
> My professor told me about instructions being in /usr/src/Makefile
> for rebuilding my world.  I feel better about following them because
> they are close to the command line to me and can't be out of date, right?
> I am looking at this list of makes:
> # check-old           - List obsolete directories/files/libraries.
> # check-old-dirs      - List obsolete directories.
> # check-old-files     - List obsolete files.
> # check-old-libs      - List obsolete libraries.
> # delete-old          - Delete obsolete directories/files/libraries.
> # delete-old-dirs     - Delete obsolete directories.
> # delete-old-files    - Delete obsolete files.
> # delete-old-libs     - Delete obsolete libraries.
> #
> I am wondering if I should try these out, or will it just be
> taken care of with the "cannonical" methods.  I seem to have lots
> of big problems with my configuration.. I don't know.  Things
> work, but dmesg has errors, and many ports fail and their makes,
> even if they succeed have errors and warnings.
> If I "delete-old-.." will I be messing things up?

No, it will "Delete obsolete directories/files/libraries", with the
usual meaning of obsolete. You should only need to do this when moving
to a new (major?) release.

I've redirected this to questions@, as this seems more like a 'User
question/technical support' rather than 'General technical discussion'.
Please try to keep the mailing lists on topic.


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