[Fwd: lwresd howto]

Mark Foster mark at foster.cc
Fri May 16 19:01:50 UTC 2008

Mike Meyer wrote:
> What makes you think dnsmasq doesn't cache? The documentation says
> otherwise (second paragraph of the man page):
>        Dnsmasq accepts DNS queries and  either  answers  them  from  a  small,
>        local,  cache  or  forwards  them  to a real, recursive, DNS server. It
> it has quite a few options to control caching behavior, and certainly
> seems to cache for me.
Thanks for pointing out my error.
I have no problem using dnsmasq if that is the best recommendation, in 
fact I quite like it but am not fond of djbdns.
However lwresd *is* in the base install vs. dnsmasq which is a port, so 
would like to use lwresd if possible (or something else in base like 
cached). There is nothing I find in the man page, handbook or google 
that says I shouldn't or can't use lwresd, only hints that I can, yet 
with no clear working real-world examples.

So I'm really hoping for two answers.
1. Can lwresd be used (somehow) or not
2. What are the viable/best alternatives to  #1 for a caching-only stub 
resolver (like nscd on linux)


Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
Mark D. Foster, CISSP <mark at foster.cc>  http://mark.foster.cc/

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