[HEADS UP!] IPFW Ideas: possible SoC 2008 candidate

Marcelo Araujo araujobsdport at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 05:17:59 PDT 2008

Vadim Goncharov wrote:
> Looked at the patch. Some line are changed e.g. in NAT definitions without any
> visible changes, strange.
> Also, you're adding 7 opcode in the kernel, 2 for match and 5 for setting,
> while having single "modip" action in userland. In the case of significantly
> changing compilation rulesm, etc., we may need many new opcodes so we should
> not waste them. For example, your O_IPTOSPRE is redundant because we already
> have O_IPPRECEDENCE which compiler could utilize while retainig more ABI
> compatibility.
> I can correct and extend your patch for DSCP/TTL/any bytes (not forgetting
> credits, of course), if you're too busy...
Of course, I've interest in any external support, because I need to
finish my degree project and I'm a bit busy. Any help are welcome and
please feel free to re-work the patch. Just like the really the most
important thing is the *modip*, I'm happy that you work within this idea.
I'd like to see *modip* committed.

I continue to my research and if I've some time to work with ipfw or
another mechanism that have some relation with my project degree, I'll make.

Best Regards,

Marcelo Araujo            (__)
araujo at FreeBSD.org     \\\'',)
http://www.FreeBSD.org   \/  \ ^
Power To Server.         .\. /_)

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