CFT: BSD-licensed grep [Fwd: cvs commit: ports/textproc/bsdgrep Makefile distinfo]

Diomidis Spinellis dds at
Sun Jun 15 08:10:01 UTC 2008

Doug Barton wrote:
> I use the following construct in portmaster, where pdb=/var/db/pkg, 
> origin is set to the origin of a given port, and ro_opd is usually 
> empty, but can be another origin directory or the same one. To guarantee 
> that you should get some kind of results you can test with 
> origin=devel/gettext.
> egrep -l "DEPORIGIN:($origin|$ro_opd)$" $pdb/*/+CONTENTS
> Obviously this works in portmaster with the gnu grep, but if ro_opd is 
> unset with the bsd grep I get:
> egrep: empty (sub)expression

To avoid these problems I had proposed to instrument getopt to write 
options passed through argv in a file, build all our ports, and look at 
the options used.

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