NFS (& amd?) dysfunction descending a hierarchy

David Wolfskill david at
Wed Dec 3 04:45:44 PST 2008

On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 02:20:32PM +0200, Danny Braniss wrote:
> ...
> i'll try to check it here soon, but in the meantime, could you try the same
> but mounting directly, not via amd, to remove one item from the equation?
> (I don't know how much amd is involved here, but if you are running on a
> 64bit host, amd could be swapped out, in which case it tends to realy screw
> things up, which is not your case, but ...)

Sorry; I should have mentioned that the NFS client was running
RELENG_7_1 as of Monday morning, i386 arch.  The amd.conf file specifies
"plock" for amd(8).

Note that merely telling amd(8) to kick the interval of attempted
unmounts from 2 minutes to 12 hours appears to avoid the observed
symptoms, so I'm fairly confident that bypassing amd(8) altogether would
do so as well.

In looking at the output from ktrace against amd(8), I recall having
seen that shortly before an observed failure, the (master) amd
process forks a child to attempt the unmount; the child issues an
unmount, the return for which is EBUSY (IIRC -- I'm not in a good
position to check just at the moment), so the child terminates with an
"interrupted system call".

I'd have thought that since the attempted unmount failed, it wouldn't
make any difference, but it's right around that point that rm(1) is told
that a directory entry it found earlier doesn't exist, which rather
snowballs into the previously-described symptoms.

David H. Wolfskill				david at
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

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