amrd disk performance drop after running under high load

Kris Kennaway kris at
Mon Oct 15 17:42:49 PDT 2007

Alexey Popov wrote:

> After some time of running under high load disk performance become 
> expremely poor. At that periods 'systat -vm 1' shows something like  this:

What does "high load" mean?  You need to explain the system workload more.

> Disks amrd0
> KB/t  85.39
> tps       5
> MB/s   0.38
> % busy   99

> Apart of all, I tried to make mutex profiling and here's the results 
> (sorted by the total number of acquisitions):
> Bad case:
>  102 223514 273977 0 14689 1651568 /usr/src/sys/vm/uma_core.c:2349 (512)
>  950 263099 273968 0 15004 14427 /usr/src/sys/vm/uma_core.c:2450 (512)
>  108 150422 175840 0 10978 22988519 /usr/src/sys/vm/uma_core.c:1888 (mbuf)

 > Here you can see that high UMA activity happens in periods of low disk
 > performance. But I'm not sure whether this is a root of the problem, not
 > a consequence.

The extremely high contention there does seem to say you have a mbuf 
starvation problem and not a disk problem.  I don't know why this would 
be happening off-hand.

Can you also provide more details about the system hardware and 


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