Have people started working on any Google Summer of code 2007
ajay gopalakrishnan
geek.dwells at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 15:25:16 UTC 2007
Is FreeBSD restricting non-students from not taking up any project that is
'suitable for summer of code'?
For eg.
I was planning to take up the 'super tunnel daemon' project some time back.
I had done some initial work but now i find that it has also been marked as
'Suitable for summer of code'. I am no longer a student. I am working
currently at a firm. So i dont think that i will be eligible for the summer
of code. Can i still take up the project or am i forced to take up those
that are not marked as 'suitable for summer of code'?
Also, if someone has taken a summer of code project can no-one else take it
up as a normal project to contribute to FreeBSD ?
Awaiting a reply,
On 3/26/07, Julian H. Stacey <jhs at flat.berklix.net> wrote:
> Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> > Quoting "ajay gopalakrishnan" <geek.dwells at gmail.com> (Sat, 24 Mar 2007
> 15:53:11 +0530):
> >
> > > Have people started working on any Google Summer of code 2007 project?
> I saw
> > > some project ideas marked as "Suitable for Summer of code" on the
> project
> > > ideas web page. But have any of those projects been taken up?
> >
> > Proposals are submitted by students to Google and available for rating
> > in the mentor-interface. No proposal is selected yet and we don't know
> > yet how many seats for students we have in this SoC.
> >
> > I suggest to have a look at the Google SoC pages, they provide a
> > timeline there.
> Quoting http://code.google.com/soc/
> We've extended the deadline for student applications to Monday, March 26,
> 2007.
> --
> Julian Stacey. Munich Computer Consultant, BSD Unix C Linux.
> http://berklix.com
> Escape Microsoft 20th April 2007: http://berklix.com/free/talk/
> Ihr Rauch = mein allergischer Kopfschmerz.
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