Have people started working on any Google Summer of code 2007 project?

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Sat Mar 24 13:52:45 UTC 2007

Quoting "ajay gopalakrishnan" <geek.dwells at gmail.com> (Sat, 24 Mar 2007 15:53:11 +0530):

> Have people started working on any Google Summer of code 2007 project? I saw
> some project ideas marked as "Suitable for Summer of code" on the project
> ideas web page. But have any of those projects been taken up?

Proposals are submitted by students to Google and available for rating
in the mentor-interface. No proposal is selected yet and we don't know
yet how many seats for students we have in this SoC.

I suggest to have a look at the Google SoC pages, they provide a
timeline there.


 Bender: Life is hilariously cruel.
http://www.Leidinger.net  Alexander @ Leidinger.net: PGP ID = B0063FE7
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