Fwd: ng_fec man page (docs/114259)

Daniel Gerzo danger at rulez.sk
Sat Jul 21 12:11:14 UTC 2007


I am sending this email to hackers@ because I haven't heard from wpaul
back and I suppose that there might be someone who has some knowledge
about this part of system. I have checked the source code by myself,
but C source is not really my area and somebody from here could have
idea if I am right.

Thanks in advance!

This is a forwarded message
From: Daniel Gerzo <danger at FreeBSD.org>
To: wpaul at FreeBSD.org
Date: Thursday, July 5, 2007, 12:37:28 PM
Subject: ng_fec man page (docs/114259)

===8<==============Original message text===============
Hello wpaul,

  I was looking throguh docs/114259 and it looks to me like submitter
  is correct, and I also found the other problem in the man page -
  NGM_FEC_MODE_MAC and NGM_FEC_MODE_INET should be repleaced by
  NGM_FEC_SET_MODE_MAC NGM_FEC_SET_MODE_INET. Could you please confirm
  this, so that I can work it out?

Best regards,
 Daniel                          mailto:danger at FreeBSD.org
===8<===========End of original message text===========

Best regards,
 Daniel                            mailto:danger at rulez.sk
-------------- next part --------------
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: Daniel Gerzo <danger at FreeBSD.org>
Subject: ng_fec man page (docs/114259)
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 12:37:28 +0200
Size: 816
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