permission denied to properly chmod'd files

Heiko Wundram (Beenic) wundram at
Wed Jul 18 04:08:14 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 18 July 2007 04:36:08 Eric Anderson wrote:
> On 07/17/07 20:04, Rogelio Bastardo wrote:
> > Might there be some sort of BSD version of SELinux going on here?  No
> > one has any info on what "changed" on the box to make it not work.
> > I've never had this problem on Cacti on the other distros I've worked
> > with (mostly Debian and RHEL/CentOS) and am wondering if it is a
> > FreeBSD oddity that I'm not understanding.
> <snip rest of reply>

Just because you didn't say: FreeBSD is not a Linux distribution... :-)

Heiko Wundram
Product & Application Development
Beenic Networks GmbH
Mailänder Straße 2
30539 Hannover
Fon        +49 511 / 590 935 - 15
Fax        +49 511 / 590 935 - 29
Mail       wundram at

Beenic Networks GmbH
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Geschäftsführer: Jorge Delgado
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