Ralink driver and FreeBSD 6.2?

Thomas David Rivers rivers at dignus.com
Wed Feb 21 14:47:06 UTC 2007

> A couple of things.
> - The newer rt2661.c driver has not been MFC'd to 6.2. That is most
> likely why your card is not working.
> - 'ifconfig' when run as root will load the module for a network
> driver provided it is a) in  the path and b) name if_<interface
> name>.ko
>                -Kip

 Hi Kip!

 That's good to hear - it actually didn't occur to me to peruse
 the 7.0 sources for improvements.

 I'll take a look at the -CURRENT rt2661.c source and see if
 a back-port to 6.2 is easy enough to do.

 Thanks for the pointer!

	- Dave Rivers -

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