FreeSBIE DVD with KDE,Gnome,Java, et al?

Oliver Fromme olli at
Mon Feb 12 08:13:15 UTC 2007

George Wood <gwood+freesbie at> wrote:
 > [...]

George, you crossposted to _way_ too many lists.  I stripped
the Reply-To down to just -hackers and the freesbie list.

 > So how hard is it to make a bootable DVD?

It's easy, I'm doing it for years.  I'm creating the FreeBSD
DVDs for Lehmanns Bookshop in German; here's the latest
(sorry, that page is in German).  It contains exactly 13,463

However, it's not a FreeBSIE DVD, but a standard FreeBSD DVD
that contains the installation sets (via sysinstall) and the
"Fixit" live FS.

For quite a long time I had the plan to create a combined
DVD that contains _both_ a bootable FreeSBIE and a standard
FreeBSD installation + fixit.  That wasn't possible until
recently.  However, I implemented some new features that
enable init(8) to perform a chroot operation on the root FS
which was committed to -current (init.c 1.63).  Right now
I'm implementing a similar feature for sysinstall in P4.

On my privat machine I have backported the init(8) patch
to RELENG_6 and have made such a combined ISO image.  From
the same ISO image you can boot into either FreeSBIE or

 > What's the simplest way to
 > add packages to the 2.0.1 iso, and make a dvd-bootable iso?

If you want a FreeSBIE-only DVD (no sysinstall or fixit),
that's trivial.  Just take the standard FreeSBIE tool set,
add more packages, create the ISO and write it to a DVD-R
(up to 4.5 GB).  You can even use a DL disk for up to 8 GB
of storage.

 > I haven't seen any discussion of this on the FreeSBIE wiki or mailing
 > list.  It must be possible, since I have a bootable Knoppix DVD; but
 > of course, that isn't FreeSBIE.

Maybe you haven't seen any discussion because it's so easy.
There's really no need to discuss or document it.
I wonder why you haven't simply tried it.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606, USt-Id: DE204219783
Any opinions expressed in this message are personal to the author and may
not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix GmbH & Co KG in any way.
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