UFS2 version of ffsrecov.

Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com
Sat Feb 3 19:53:01 UTC 2007

No, I'm not looking for one, I'm releasing one.  This is a heavily
modified version of John-Mark Gurney's ffsrecov, adapted to use libufs
and to work (only) with UFS2 file systems.  I call it ffs2recov and it
is available at

I wrote this a couple of years ago so that I could recover a file system
that had been stomped by a misconfigured RAID controller.  It worked
well enough for me to recover a couple of hundred gigabytes worth of
data, which was a great relief (although some stuff was gone forever,
sigh).  I had intended to polish it up and release it long before now,
but I've never managed to get around to doing the polishing.  In
particular, while it has a nice little summary of implemented options,
the manpage needs a lot of work.

On the positive side, however, I extended it to be a lot more robust in
the face of corrupt pointers and file system offsets, so it doesn't just
fall over when it sees garbage in a block address or whatnot.

I'm releasing it under the BSD two-clause license, with due credit to
John-Mark.  It's my hope that someone else will take it, clean it up a
bit, rewrite the manpage and maybe make a port out of it.  If you do and
you need a place to host the distfile, let me know.

In any event, it's a tool that people often need.  Enjoy.
Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com     http://www.exit.com/
Exit Consulting                 http://www.gpsclock.com/

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