anyone working on setting output items with usbhidctl(1) ?

Rene Ladan r.c.ladan at
Sun Sep 17 12:29:33 PDT 2006


is anyone working on setting output items with usbhidctl(1) ?

I'm trying to add LED/rumbler support for the Xbox 360 Gamepad to
uhid(4), but there doesn't seem to be a userland tool to test output
items and the output report descriptor doesn't seem to be publicly
available (i.e. I must reverse-engineer it).

This device has 4 LEDs which can be controlled with the command 01 03
xx, where xx ranges from 0 to 255.
It also has two rumble motors which can be controlled with 00 08 00 bb
ll 00 00 00, where bb and ll both range from 0 to 255.

I thought that something like -s "feature1=value1,feature2=value2,..."
would be nice to have.

I'm not subscribed to the usb@ list, so please cc me.

Kind regards,
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"It won't fit on the line."
		-- me, 2001

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