ipv6 connection hash function wanted ...

Oliver Fromme olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Wed Nov 15 15:21:37 UTC 2006

Max Laier wrote:
 > Oops, I missed one requirement:
 > /*
 >  * IMPORTANT: the hash function for dynamic rules must be commutative
 >  * in source and destination (ip,port), because rules are bidirectional
 >  * and we want to find both in the same bucket.
 >  */

OK, then you have to perform a commutative operation on
source and destination ("xor" or "add"), then run crc32
on the result.

 > AFAICT, the attached has this property, but I have no idea if it adds 
 > sufficient entropy to the result - it looks like it, though.

It's not exactly what I had in mind.  You are xor'ing all
components with each other first, which makes it easier
for an attacker to construct a collision:  He just has
to generate one 32bit part (e.g. the lower 32 bits of
his address) so that the result of the xor stays the same.
It's trivial to do that.  Then the result of the crc32
will also be the same, of course.

You should xor source and destination as a whole, i.e.
create an artifical (ip,port) struct that contains the
xor'ed source and destination, then call crc32 on the
20 bytes of that struct.  The random key can be used as
initialization vector for crc32_raw(), like you did in
your patch.

However, there's still a problem:  If the attacker can
guess our port number, he can set his port number in a
way that it will result in the same xor value.  If his
and our IP address are also the same, the total result
will be the same again.

A simple solution is to multiply the port numbers (with
a 32bit result) instead of xor'ing them.  Multiplication
is commutative, but in most cases the attacker won't be
able to generate an integer port number P2 in a way that
P2 * P1 will equal a certain number, because in most cases
that number won't be evenly divisible by P1.  Of course
there are a few cases left where it is possible to
generate such an integer number P2.  To defeat the
attackers for those few cases, too, you should add another
random key to both port numbers before multiplication.

OK, to summarize:
 1.  Calculate src_ip xor dst_ip  [result is 16 bytes].
 2.  Calculate (src_port + pkey) * (dst_port + pkey)
     [result is 4 bytes, using 32bit modulo arithmetics].
 3.  Run crc32_raw on the resulting 20 bytes, using ckey
     as initialization vector.

pkey and ckey are two different 32bit random values that
are generated once at boot.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
Dienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt FreeBSD: http://www.secnetix.de/bsd
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