Hardening FreeBSD,
does anyone have any documentation that may help?
Oliver Fromme
olli at lurza.secnetix.de
Thu Nov 9 13:02:10 UTC 2006
Vini Engel wrote:
> This may not seem to be the best place to ask for this but as this is
> supposed to be a list for high level discussions I am assuming that some
> people have must know how to harden FreeBSD and/or may have articles and
> other docs that can be shared.
A good place to start is the security(7) manual page, and
the security-related sections in the FreeBSD Handbook.
Of course, pretty much any generic book on UNIX security
applies to FreeBSD, too.
Best regards
Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
Dienstleistungen mit Schwerpunkt FreeBSD: http://www.secnetix.de/bsd
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